Thursday, February 9, 2012

Texas Becomes a Republican State!!

As I was perusing the Internet for this weeks assignment, I came across this great Texas Political History lesson. It was on Texas Public Radio, on a show called, "Texas Matters." It is co-hosted by a husband and wife, that want to bring to the attention of the public, newsworthy items that the main stream media overlooked, or didn't find newsworthy. With the Presidential Primaries taking place, it seems like a good time to reflect and learn something about the past and how every now-and-then there are distict parrellels in history, even in politics. I for one, had thought Texas was always a Republican State, but I found out that it was Democratic for over 100 years prior to the 1980 Presidential Election. Appearently, Ronald Reagan came here in 1976 as a noiminee, but lost to Gerald Ford. Although he lost, it set off what I would call a, "semi-permanent" political swing through-out the State. Two years later, 1978, Texas elected its first Republican Governor, then in 1980, became the leading Republican voting state that it is today.

If for some reason the link doe not work, simply got to TPR, find the "Texas Matters" show with David Martin Davies, dated 02.03.2012, episode 597, segment 4. Its a lot easier then it looks.

Happy Listening!!

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