Friday, March 30, 2012

Texas Legislature Taking On Obama Administration

This week I’m going to show, any of you that read this, why the title of my blog is “Somewhere to the right of center”, because it is stuff like the following that keeps me in the center of politics and not able to get on board with the right or the left all the way.

            Apparently, the Texas Legislature last summer decided that federal funding need not be spent on any of the programs that the Texas Medicaid Women’s Health Program (TMWHP) provided to low-income women around the state. The Texas Legislature passed the law that bans funding for clinics affiliated with abortion providers, even if it affects services that are not abortions. The Women’s Health Program, “Provides birth control, annual exams [such as pap smears and mammograms] and other services to an estimated 100,000 women across the Lone Star State.” (Fox The program uses approximately 90% federal funds (about $34 million annually) and the rest comes from the state, which last year was around an additional $7 million, for a total of $41 million.

When the State of Texas passed this law, the Obama administration, I believe, tried to use a scare tactic against the lawmakers and promised to cut all federal funding for the TMWHP. When in actuality, right-wing conservatives, (which is most of the Texas Legislature, and totally Pro-life mind-you), seem to just want Planned Parenthood out of Texas, because it doesn’t fit into their individual political platforms and the moral standings among their co-workers. Of course, in true political fashion, they have no idea how to replace such a program, nor has the governor or legislature come up with the nearly $35 million dollars that will be cut for women’s healthcare from the fed. All that the low income women in Texas have is Governor Perry’s word that he “will not let the program die”. I guess we will have to see what happens in the weeks to come.
Here is where things like this just seem idiotic to me. The Obama Administration made good on their threat, because they say that it is a women’s right to pick the provider that she wants to go to, as long as it is done by a qualified clinic. The Texas Legislature and Governor Perry want Planned Parenthood out of Texas so badly, that they are saying that, it is the states right, under federal law, to determine qualified providers in the program. Again, how does cutting funding for a public program benefit anybody, when in actuality it is hurting the people that need it the most? I truly hate to see the ‘people’ get affected by political games being played out in Washington, DC. Only time will tell the outcome of all of this, so we will have to stand by and play the waiting game to see what side does right for the people and puts their political agendas aside

Friday, March 9, 2012

Local Blog Discussion

                Well here we are again, on our blog. I’m really starting to get into this, since I would consider myself quite an opinionated person.  It sure beats having to argue face to face with my friends, or even more to the detriment of my inner-self,  feeling like I can’t hold a conversation with those around me because they are either un-educated in the topic at hand or they flat out don’t care. Anyway, this has become quite the avenue for me to voice my opinion and read about others that are like-minded.
                The disappointing aspect of this week’s entry is that I could not find anyone to really strongly agree with or disagree. I read through 6 conservative blogs and 4 liberal blogs. Unfortunately, none of them really struck a chord in me. After reading countless articles on all these blog sites, it hit me. Maybe, if I just turn the reading over to you, the blog follower, you can become educated in a matter that you don’t understand; or better yet, learn something about our local politics and government that you did not know about previously. Either way, education can be an amazing thing, let’s just get your mind working…
                I chose to focus my attention on the Conservative Blog, “Lone Star Strong”.  After all the reading I had done, this site seem to be the most positive, and let’s face it, people in general have a grim outlook on the state of the economy and the American lifestyle itself. I really just want to point out the headlines of articles on the blog so that the pessimists out there may see a proverbial “light at the end of the tunnel”.
                The first article is titled, “Perry back to work promoting Texas Business”. The article states that, “Texas is the nation’s next high-tech hub of innovation”. That sounds pretty positive to me. I know where I work, Freescale Semi-conductor, they strive themselves on growing their business and recruiting the best and brightest to carry them into the future.  The next headline is, “Economists: Austin Area to Add 45,000 + New Jobs in Next Two Years”. This outlook comes to us from Angelos Angelou, who is in his 26th year of reporting Austin’s annual economic forecast.  Apparently, he has only been wrong twice in those 26 years; I wish I could say the same about weather forecasters! Moving on, and I believe I’m just going to put one more headline up here. If you will go to the blog you can read the other five headlines that I’m not going to mention. Although they are positive also, I only have limited time to critique them for you.
                So the last headline that I’m going to point out is, “Texas’ Trillion Dollar Economy Among Nation’s Fastest Growing”. Well that should say it all! That is the wholehearted reason that I moved here to Texas a year-and-a-half ago. I wanted to go where the economy was not in the toilet. Where I could put down roots and see what happens.  A place for my son to graduate high school and a state he could be proud of when someone asked him where he grew up. I know the World isn’t perfect, no one expects it to be, but I have such a swelling of pride when it comes to the United States. I defended her flag and I will be wrapped in it when I die. It is our First Amendment right to speak our minds and do with our lives as we see fit. So please, read into both sides of every story, the truth will be somewhere in between.